Your Coach
Nothing fulfills me more than accompanying people to live a life in harmony with their values, abilities and goals abroad.

My Story: Why I coach
I have grew up in the middle of Istanbul, this peculiar metropolis and the only city on two continents. Even in my school days, I loved to soak up the energy of different cultures. They meet in tea houses, haggle in the bazaar, and each fail in their own way to master Istanbul's traffic. My vibrant hometown is never finished. Bars and entire neighborhoods are the measure of all things for one spring, only to be all but forgotten by fall.
I certainly owe Istanbul my curious, reflective but fundamentally affirmative view of everything foreign, of everything new, of everything what is in flux.
Eight cities on three continents
That's why it came as no surprise to those around me that I went abroad to study immediately after finishing high school. First Heidelberg, then San Francisco. Thanks to career opportunities, expat assignments and love, I have made it to a total of eight stations and new beginnings. Finally, I made my home in Hamburg with my family of four.
My career has been varied. It involved project management, in-house consulting and business development, mostly in an international context. Nevertheless, something was missing.
I had realized that I was always at my best and at peace with myself when it was less about numbers and companies and more about people. Especially when colleagues confided in me their stories, their worries and dreams, and let me share decisive moments in their lives.
Loving what you can. And doing it with all my heart.
It took until the birth of my first son for me to face these big questions myself. Finally, a conversation with a career coach provided the decisive impetus. On the first day of my Systemic Coach training, I knew I was in the right place. I gave myself permission to leave my corporate career, which was comfortable and varied but never quite suited my strengths and passion. Since then, I have been following my calling.
Nothing fulfills me more than accompanying people to live a life in harmony with their values, abilities and goals abroad. Sometimes my clients are overwhelmed in a new culture and a vague feeling that something doesn't fit. Others see their goal clearly in front of them and it is a matter of clearing obstacles out of the way.
In both cases, coaching helps you to change the perspective and gain clarity, motivates you to change and supports you on your own transformation process .
That's exactly what I'm good at. This is exactly what I love to do. I do it with all my heart.
So much for me. Now I'm excited to hear your story. I look forward to our first conversation.
Yours, Gülru.